When To Halt The Job Search

I think I got a gig. We'll see . . . The details still need to be ironed out. This, however, brings us to an interesting question. When does a candidate halt the job search? The obvious answer is when one gets a job, but things are not always that clear. The answer depends on one's circumstances. If one is broke, then one had better keep chugging ahead applying for jobs until a start date for the new job is set. I've even been in situations where the start date has been moved back. Fortunately, I've never been in any situation where the start date evaporates or the job offer gets rescinded, but that likely has happened to someone. Conversely, if one has money, then it's time to halt the job search. Even if things go awry, you can always start it up again. Yeah, maybe you missed a couple of decent opportunities, but odds are the job will go forward and if you didn't halt the search, you would have missed out on an even rar...