Did You Die? Are You A Robot?

No matter how used I get to the incompetence of employers, they still manage to amaze me.  Case in point, I apply to a job, and two days later, the employer messages me asking if I am still interested.

Um, yeah . . .

I mean I am a pretty awesome job applicant, but reaching out 48 hours later isn't like reaching out two weeks later, the employer should reasonably expect me to be open to the opportunity.  This whole communication is pointless; just set up an interview already.

In this case, I replied, and then it was crickets.  It's been over two weeks, and I didn't get a response.  If I were dealing with rational people, then I'd assume perhaps my response got lost in the proverbial shuffle, and I would follow up.  But this is an employer.  As much as they gripe about candidates ghosting them, they do the same.  I've had multiple potential employers say they were going to get back to me, and then you never hear from them again.  Following up tends to be useless because either they offer up some lame apology or it continues to be crickets.  I've learned just to take stuff like as a sign that I've just been saved from a disaster.  For, if they are this bad now, imagine what they'd be like if they owed you money. 


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