Advice For Companies #1: Fire About Half Your Human Resources Department


Companies need a lot of help, so good thing I'm here.  I should probably charge a high consulting fee for this stuff, but I will be satisfied if companies just did less dumb shit.

One of the dumbest things companies do is to have their human resources folks waste time doing phone screeners.  I get why HR folks like doing these calls because they need to create work for themselves and justify their otherwise useless jobs, but why companies don't just fucking fire half their HR departments is beyond me.  You don't need to pay money for an HR peon to read people's resumes back at them.  You need someone to read the fucking resumes, pick a few good candidates to interview (if there are too many good candidates to manually pick, then just assign the resumes each a number and use Random.Org to pick a few--or if you like to waste paper and have more fun, print them all out and throw a dart a few times to narrow the field down), invite the chosen candidates in or have the hiring manager phone them (maybe that would also encourage the hiring manager to treat the employees he or she has already better so he or she can avoid having to do this because let's face it hiring and firing has a lot of costs, mainly needless if you do things better, to it--if you don't believe me, then maybe you'll believe The Harvard Business Review's thoughtful essay on the mess modern recruiting is:, and then hire one based on that.  Since the current process produces crappy results anyway (18% turnover?--I'd say 10% might be normal:, there isn't much to lose here, and you'd save money doing it.

But, of course, companies won't do this.  They'll instead pay a hundred thousand dollars to buy some piece of shit artificial intelligence software to pick candidates for the HR folks to do phone screeners with and make the hiring process even more convoluted for everyone involved instead.

Let's go corporate America!


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